Mister Furious

Muse should do the soundtrack for it, the only band than can come close to matching Queens bombast and over the top sound.

If this was Bill O Rielly or Rush Limbaugh who had tweeted that shit do you think Patton would be on the Twitter rationalization rampage defending them? I doubt it. Im a huge Patton Oswalt fan also.

The secret is that he's pirating cable

It's not Black Sabbath without Bill Ward on drums.

3 out of the 4 MI movies are watchable to pretty good, 2 is just awful. These movies work best when Tom Cruise and his ego take a back seat to the team interaction and action sequences.

The episode of The Shield when Lem gets the grenade sandwich, can't watch that ever again.

Rush is awesome, what's this guy talking about? Geddy Lee plays regular 4 string bass guitars. If you wanna bag on a "Prog" band go after the musical mastubation that consists of your typical Dream Theater song, can't stand it.

She'd make a great Dark Phoenix cause she's got some fire between her legs!

Its not Ryan its Rian.

JJ was probably like hey I really would like Damon Lindelof to write the next Star Wars movie and Disney was like fuck no.

I haven't read The Hobbit in ages but did the Alien 3 ending rip off The Hobbit or did Peter Jackson shamelessly lift the whole "Trap" for Smaug from Alien 3?