That's MISTER fannypack to you

But yours is just one opinion...that’s a pretty small sample size if you ask me. I think we should have a couple more commenters speak up before we get an adequate sample size to determine what is a good sample size to stop referring to the smallness of the sample size.

And this is really a stupid problem for him to have...

It is an absolute tragedy....but a person who is truly suicidal will not be thinking of anyone else, only their pain. People who commit suicide aren’t just in a bubble. Some people who do it are adults, with children and spouses. Look at Chris Cornell, a big rockstar, beautiful wife and children, adoring fans.

I gotta say, that’s a funny book you got there! I’m all like “there’s no way it says that...”, so I go ask The Google, and yep, it’s true!

By not officiating, he’s disrespecting the game...the same game in the country that they’re disrespecting by kneeling!

Lookit the seriousness in his face. Clearly he did something brave and honourable.

Nuthin to do but eat and pump iron,amirite?

Because they live there...its like they’re paying rent, man. Duh.

It’s like bumfights all over again!

Let’s not forget how rabid the military fetish is around these guys. They are buying into the argument that kneeling is disrespecting the troops, after all.

to be fair, he probably meant to say that they can’t have running the..uh...plantation.

LOL, it might be a bit wordy, but have fun with it!

Fried Crickets? Fucking, fuckin Fuck no!

Maybe after I’m crawling through the post-apocalyptic ruble of an irradiated wasteland, where all that I once knew and loved has been destroyed, and my very survival is dependent on the most meager sustenance....maybe then I’ll willingly eat a bug.

Until then, hand me the Fritos

Personally, I don’t think violence is the answer. Violence is the lesson, it’s the instruction that helps the recipient get to the answer.

Ribbed. For her pleasure.

In my mind there are two types of suicide. There’s the kind where a person suffers from a mental depression, for example. A sadness that the person cannot shake, no matter how much people may want them to. It’s easy to look at life and only see the bad, only see the loneliness that we can all feel at

That’s a sweet ride he’s got!

Here’s a question I’d like to see answered by someone who is well-versed in Law:

I think what they need is for the whole team to get out to a bar together, maybe get into a brawl, get arrested, and then all sing “I Will Survive” together in jail while they are waiting to be bailed out.