Do you still get benched if you stand for the anthem but call your boss an out of touch billionaire who embarrasses himself by banging hookers?
Do you still get benched if you stand for the anthem but call your boss an out of touch billionaire who embarrasses himself by banging hookers?
Gee, now I’m all confused. I thought for a short while that there would be some action against the NRA, since we just saw how brutally easy it is to kill 59 people and injured hundreds more...
The way she casually takes the keys from her mom tells me this isn’t her first ejection/problem with authority.
If there was a God, a screaming fastball wouldn’t be hitting toddlers but plowing through that crowd.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed!
I’m saddened by the reaction here. What I see is two people in love, trying to make it work in the crazy world of ours.
Should be “Save water,”, but I’m giving you the star for the excellent set up.
He’s the fucking worst. Everyone else is celebrating the catch and he’s got the “poor me/what just happened?” Victim look on his face.
There’s a good lesson for all you kids out there. If you want to waste your life, don’t do drugs, just enrol in a religious-based school.
That’s funny, the Reagan quote he’s using was actually when Reagan was talking about his new shoes.
Well, I for one am relieved to know that an expensive impeachment process will replace a mentally defective senior citizen (with the intellect of a child) with a full blown idiot.
48 times? He’s my little hammer/construction tip..
That bear probably has kids.
I remember the MOVE bombing! The NPR link talks about how few people remember it, but I was a teen, it was on TV, and I remember wondering how the fuck any police force could justify using explosives like that. I think it was on the cover of Time.
“Bury my heart at Wounded Knee” by Dee Brown is an excellent book on a terrible subject. It’s hard to believe it was published in 1970. It’s packed with depressing stories.
I don’t understand half the stuff being discussed here....
He sounds like a drunk uncle on the tail end of a wedding where he’s welcoming the brides family.
Man, I love this image with your statement! Just wait till there’s blood in the water. How the Republicans play their end game will be interesting. They got down and kissed his ass, despite all his shit talking about them. They’ll have to play it so that they can keep their wack job tea party members happy and drag…
nice Christmas underpants!
Seriously, again with the friggin anthem. They should just start a new, all white football league and instead of playing 80s classic rock, just pump out the anthem every break in play.