That's MISTER fannypack to you

I’m totally with you on the euthanization. At the very least, they should be paraded around, like community service. Have them stand up in front of crowds of people and say “I did this because I thought no one would ever know and it was between me and my stupid friends.”

Looking at the pic of him on the horse...I dunno. Looks like a wide stance kinda guy to me.

I’ve heard stories from hyperactive 4 year olds that are clearer than that. More eloquent too.

pssh, can tell that horse is a millenial. Back in my day, if I was that horse and she kicked me, I’d be all like “Hell no!” and I’d totally up and roundhouse her.

If you’re going to Redstate, you probably need it read to you.

I can’t watch the video (at work) but in the gif it looks like the train impact triggered the wipers... That’s kinda cool.

Thank you for that gif....unfortunately it seems every time I come over here, that’s how I feel (gotta just stick to Deadspin and sports some days).

I really don’t think they are looking for something from the NFL brass. Just like it’s no accident that Yahoo got the memo.

Great. Way to ruin cribbage for me.

So the helmet made him... weaker?

He would work better as that than the Gunslinger I bet.

Banal? I got news for you, those are the highlights of my day.

Uranus is way too low.

turbo, that’s awesome!

The more I see of this guys thought patterns, the more I wonder if they only used his rant as an excuse to fire him. Seriously seems like a tool and and a fucking idiot.

I can confirm that’s true. Like our friends in the United States, we here in Canada have those that are above average intelligence, and because all things balance out, we have those that are below average as well.

“If anyone knows me I post about cows”, selfies?

Why think, when you can let the bible think for you! And better yet, why read it when you can let someone else explain it to you!

god damn, that was a nice shot. Dropped him like a sack of dirt.

Good summation combined with great seething anger. Thanks!