junkpunch would be reasonable alternative.
junkpunch would be reasonable alternative.
You are obviously a proud member of the “uninformed and compliant citizenry”. The emails reinforced, very clearly, all of Hillary’s perceived weaknesses. Greedy, corrupt, out-of-touch...
Funny how the report offered absolutely ZERO evidence to support any of the assessments. ZERO.
Why can no one tell me EXACTLY what “Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities” means? Or EXACTLY how the Russians influenced the election?
Hypocrisy at its greatest. Gizmodo and friends are funded by the page views generated by comments from the very “trolls” you attempt to shun. Show us how seriously concerned you are and remove comments from your articles.
I don’t think you “catch” HIV.
When do we punish the American media corporations for concealing the DNC’s robbing Brnie of a fair primary? We would have never known the depths of the thievery without the Wikileaks.
Question everything. Give me ALL the data. I will make up my own mind.
Peace through strength works. Guess it’s too much to think a pasty faced wussburger would understand that.
You say “some scientists think...”, but only name David Gorski who has questionable ties in this matter. Do you have other sources?
Your update proves your bias is effecting your work quality. I recommend you spend more time researching your articles and less time trying to bash our new president.
Screw legalese. Screw Joe. Screw VW. What he did was wrong. What VW did was wrong. All wrong.
Biggest science setback of 2016? How about the Hulkster making Gawker tap out, forcing countless, absolute crap political hack stories to find their way to Gizmodo.
You should seek counseling.
Weak sauce.
Not technology or gadgets. Please post on Gawker.
No evidence, ZERO, at this point that any information posted by the media via Wikileaks, or other sources, came from “the Russians”. The best evidence of the source of Podesta’s leak was the Google fishing email that pointed to the culprit being in New Zealand. Putin doesn’t live in New Zealand, but Kim Dotcom does.
“snowflakes melting in grief” = awesome!!!
Black helicopters much?