Mr. Dot Dot Dot

How would you even fix something like that..?

The great thing about faith is you don't need to have proof of it in order to believe in it.

I just redeemed it using my existing account. It works for anybody. Just say you aren't a gold member, then they will email you the code, and redeem. Worked for me.

How does this not remind you of titanfall? Seriously? They clearly took all of those ideas right out of that game, and covered it up with the 'armor' these soldier have. It's bull.

Uhh where is 22 Jumpstreet?

Pablo was so OP.

It's Daniel Cudmore, but I definitely see the resemblance.

Now playing

I agree. I cannot remember if there was more to the scene then this clip shows. Though I haven't seen it in a while, it's still pretty dang good.

First gen only, first gen only, first gen ONLY.

You can get it new from sellers on Amazon for as low as $40 after shipping costs, and I'm sure that will be around by Thursday.

Probably just have to take people's impressions and youtube videos as the closest thing to reviews as we'll be getting. I could see it not getting reviewed simply because it's essentially been given the same impression as the Xbox One version minus better graphics. That is a good thing though!

funny you can say that like the rest of the country isn't JUST as obese as Texas.

You really should at least reply and apologize for treating him like an idiot when he CLEARLY stated multiple times he saw the film at a screening. Not replying now just makes you look really uncredible and ignorant.

How did he take this picture without the camera showing up in the reflection of his helmet? I'm assuming it's the angel he held it at? It's strange because it looks like it's directly in front of him.

I would love to hear what things RCT2 ruined, as I could not find anything wrong with that game but much valued upgrades.

I cannot disagree about the third movie any more. The third was perhaps the only decent piece of the original trilogy, and it's fight scenes were not only longer, but more entertaining. The first was meh, the second put me to sleep because it was all over the place in terms of story and hard to follow, and the third

From the website, for those hoping to solely pre-order for the beta key:

The joy mixed with nostalgia this video gave me is indescribable. So. Brilliant.

That actually seems kind of disappointing with how big the game city is. What's the point if I am never going to see anybody?

I hope this movie succeeds. I'm sick of seeing everybody bash Kutcher on every article made towards this movie. Sure he may not have a likable personality, and his acting hasn't been the most prestige, but he's shown potential so far, so seriously, please quit the bitching and just wait for the movie.