Everything korea fucking does/shows to the rest of the world is a fucking act of war.
Everything korea fucking does/shows to the rest of the world is a fucking act of war.
oh my god you could do a whole series of these tho
a red charmander, a blue squirtle
“Ok PorscheDex, what is that?”
Re: the race distance. Yeah, no. The Porsche weighs about 200 kg more, and more weight = more energy into the tyres = accelerated wear.
Disregarding that, if we assume the P1's tyres last for 45 minutes/7 laps and a pitstop takes 2 minutes, the P1 would complete 204 laps in 24 hours. To match this, a 918 would have to…
Don’t hold your breath.
Porsche needs a 918 RSR to compete with the likes of the track day FXXK and P1 GTR. Then make a road legal race car and call it the Porsche 918 RSR GTLM LH/K Straßenversion K8 Moby Dick-17.
Wasn’t this the same McLaren that decided to keep the standard P1 ring time a “secret” after Porsche announced their time with the 918? Hmmmmmmmmm, Porsche your response please.
As an aside, does nobody know the alcohol wipe on your wiper blade trick? Makes them like new! Stop spending 60$ on wiper blades the first time your windshield gets streaky, clean your blades and windshield!
As an aside, does nobody know the alcohol wipe on your wiper blade trick? Makes them like new! Stop spending 60$ on…
This times a thousand. Now if they only made one for my rear wiper on my WRX hatch...
This times a thousand. Now if they only made one for my rear wiper on my WRX hatch...
Bosch Icon. A great wiper blade that has worked tremendously well through the heavy rain and snow Iowa provides. https://www.amazon.com/Bosch-22A-Wiper-Blade-Longer/dp/B005JU5VH8
Bosch Icon. A great wiper blade that has worked tremendously well through the heavy rain and snow Iowa provides. http…
The most surprising bit of news in this article? The fact that individual state troopers have their own public Twitter accounts.
I work for a franchise Chevrolet dealer and thankfully, we don’t deploy these type of underhanded business practices on people. We do, however, spend our days trying to convince the many thousands of buyers around us to be wary of the much bigger dealers around us who do. I hate to see people get taken advantage of.…
It’s all Travis’s fault really. :D
I have often (very often) seen people leave a dealership thinking they’ve signed all the documents (contract, etc) and the dealer personnel hasn’t signed their side. So the customer leaves, thinking everything is final, the dealer even says it is. However, they get a call (usually 3 days later) and are told there is a…
Can we stop losing writers to other firms? I miss being able to read everything that I liked all in one place here at Jalopnik.
I agree the skip shift is a awful idea, but why bypass the hill hold, it’s a wonderful invention! your dad said “can” hold on a hill with the clutch, not you should hold a car on a hill with the clutch, doing that is a great way to wreck your clutch early. Driving stick isn’t just about being able to do it smoothly…
Never fear, we’ll pipe in the sound through your speakers! See, you didn’t miss a thing!
Go watch/read the interviews with Andrea Preuninger (Head of Porsche’s GT Division). He alludes to this fact repeatedly.
First, you would have to have driven on older one to even know the difference or have any sense there was a loss.