

He’s definitely the villian

What if this is a ploy to artificially drive demand up even more by saying that demand is higher than it actually is? *cue X files theme*

Labo VR and Twilight Princess for Wii.

Same! After SNES I started playing on PlayStation instead, and am just now getting back into Nintendo. I can sometimes beat my friends now and it’s amazing.

Cecilia gonna put you in your place, though.

VR is such a cool space these days

I feel like every Shinkai film in a spirtual successor to the previous ones.

TIL 5cm Per Second is a Ghibli copy-cat.

First season since Winter 2018 that I want to watch like a third of the shows! And most are available in US!

Lol I’m literally listening this track as I started scrolling through Kotaku (as I do every morning)!

Exactly this! I’ve played RE2 and DMC5 so far, and I dont get why folks dont just play this rich single player complete experiences. They still had replay value and get updates, but they work so well and on your own time.

I think I like the version without Billy Ray better

Seems like every other show.


FFXVI delayed

3rd person VR is so much better than 1st. See AstroBot.

Really wish they would have just added a hard mode to it all though. It looks nice, and sounds great, but the lack of challenge means I get bored if I play enough of it.

That’s expensive for something that seems to keep breaking, even after they already had a lot of initial ones break.

I have amazing luck with Gacha machine. Always get the pin or toy that I want.
I got a ton of The World Ends With You sets at the Square Enix cafe with no duplicates. :)

yeah. it’s supposed to sound like when you turn the crank/handle on the gachapon machines (we call them gumball machines in the midwest USA where Im from) .