
We’re about on schedule for Cruise to take a cocky pool-hustler under his wing.

Loud pipes do not, in fact, save lives.

Now playing

Smokey & the Bandit Part 3. Both Burt Reynolds and Hal Needham were done with the franchise by that point. This led to them coming up with the idea that Gleason’s Sheriff Justice would be both the Smokey and the Bandit in the film. Test audiences for the original version were very confused and displeased, so they

To be fair, WW84 was pretty cringy all the way through...

He doesn’t have to regret a thing. He’s Nicolas fucking Cage, OK?

To be fair I don’t think Jay Leno goes to the corner store for a bag of chips without a chase truck and film crew.

Subaru owner linked Choi’s video in his gofundme to help repair/replacement costs. Choi had them take it down.

Thanks for posting that, I’m so angry that Alex Choi threw a copyright strike up on this guy whose car got totaled by an event that Choi himself invited. 

lmao very LA for one of the random cars that was hit to be owned by a guy with a youtube channel

Seemed like they were just good old boys and never meaning no harm.

I loved this ride. Absolutely adored it. I don’t think anyone was thinking about weird fossil fuel propaganda when they went on it, were they?

The vast majority of car buyers need a covered cargo area

It’s funny how the dealer response is basically “our model is so much better that you need to make the alternative model illegal!”

Heh, say what you will about Martin, but at least he’s kept busy with a variety of projects. It’s just that none of them seem to involve finishing Winds of Winter.

Oh shut up. The man is a wealthy turd many times over. He does not need your white knight bullshit.

Just admit you lost interest and aren’t going to finish the series. It would be less disappointing. Its never going to be done, its been more then a decade, I don’t even want it anymore.  Last two books kinda sucked and I have no reason to assume the quality of a finished book 6 would be worth the wait.  I used to be

Is this an article that you’re supposed to print out and give to your grandparents?

Why bring back the Duetto when they could bring back the Giulietta Spider?

Nope. ADA says a service dog is an assistive device, and needs to be allowed in the car. Don’t like it? Don’t be a taxi driver (which is what you are when you’re working for uber/lyft).

Steve Harvey is a racist misogynist and religious nutbag who really shouldn’t be on TV.