
You and 15 minutes with a sawzall could have a convertible one, I bet!

Do they make a convertible model?  Because I need something awesome to show up all my neighbors who drive golf carts around the neighborhood.

Because the right is just grifters, man. Grifters all the way down.

Great post and writeup.

And not only was Suicide Squad quite profitable, but people who aren’t comic nerds, movie nerds, or film critics seemed to enjoy it. I can only go on anecdotal evidence, but I have had conversations with dozens of random people who liked or even loved it outside of our pop culture bubble.

You get Alan Tudyk, Timothy Dalton, and Mark Sheppard for free, too!

It used to be on DC Universe but I believe it is on HBO Max now. Also Diane Guerrero is god damn outstanding on it.

There’s a TV series with Brendan Fraser *and* Matt Bomer and I’m only hearing about it *now*? OK, which streaming service do I need to add?

To understand the logic it helps to look at another example. Currently there is a movement to classify autistic people as “neurodiverse” as opposed to disabled. So the idea is that the lack of social or behavioral functioning autistic people experience is just a result of them being different, as opposed to being

Not just there. The phrase “You’ll never work in this town again” gets thrown around too lightly, but I think it applies in this case. Fisher probably should start working on his Realtor license.

My theory...Snyder made a whole bunch of huge claims about JL being his big breakout role and how it would change his life and make him an A-List STAR, and told the press over and over that Cyborg was the “heart” of the movie. Then...Snyder left, and Joss was brought in to hack something together in a matter of months

Which is why anytime Cyborg wasn’t on screen, all the other characters would be asking “Where’s Cyborg?”

Joe had to stop being Joe to appreciate his life because he only wanted his life back so he could return to not living it. The transformative nature of him being put into a cat doesn’t remove his blackness because the center of the movie is still a black man’s voice and a black face onscreen almost 100% of the film.

I think the problem is that Soul is a kids movie for middle aged people. The people serving the hot takes are at least ten years too young to appreciate the message.

This reminds me of the movie “Back to School” where Rodney Dangerfield’s English teacher/girlfriend gave him an “F” on a paper about Kurt Vonnegut saying “you know nothing about Vonnegut!” When the joke is Rodney paid Vonnegut to write his paper and cheated. Um, she wrote the thing, so her opinion is pretty much the

I always thought it meant “I am virile, manly and hypercompetent at sleeping.” That is funny because he is not and will never be those things in real life and funny because people general do not brag at their competence at sleeping.

guilty as charged here.  I always thought he meant he was good at it and I’ve been using it as a reference as such for YEARS.  This was a tough evening for me.  

Sweet jeebus. Who cares?

I totally agree that Wakanda’s response—building a charter school in Oakland—isn’t exactly earth-shattering, but it’s really worth pointing out that Killmonger’s plan was explicitly fascist and implicitly genocidal. He was not advocating “black liberation,” but military expansion, civil war, and mass-murder of

The criticism was accurate and correct.