
Maybe that was intentional.

Not that much to this finale. Honestly, they could have ended with last week’s episode and I would have been fine with that.

I’ve been involved in one semi-serious car accident in my life and my brain was not properly functioning in the aftermath even though I was uninjured.

Palm Pilots were far from useless. They didn’t have the functionality of a modern smart phone, but they were very useful for a whole range of tasks.

Yeah, if you can’t get some small part when the director loves you and the writer is a friend, a part that was ostensibly written with you in mind, then it’s time to admit you suck and find a different line of work. 

It’s a candle. You light it on fire and it smells nice. It’s not a major purchase.

Missed opportunity here. When Blaine calls Major “monkey fighter”, he should have replied, “That’s what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps.”

Every human being in Seattle right now is hostage for Team Z. It’s not unreasonable that they might be a little resentful.

Pretty sure most of them were too young to watch it.

I’d prefer that, actually.

Yeah...well...fuck him.

Someone on Reddit said that their Uber driver spoiled Endgame for them while they were on the way to see the movie.

Not a brilliant show by any means, but I thought it was fun. I’ll miss it despite having more TV to watch than I could ever fit into my schedule.

Nobody is making “pennies” in their fifth and sixth season of a prime-time, network TV show. Those contracts are always structured so the per-episode paycheck goes up significantly every year.

I don’t really understand a lot of this criticism. The show is changing up it’s “zombie brain murder victim of the week” formula for its final season and you think that’s...bad.

A minus? Minus? WTF dude?

Louis Rossmann would like a word.

The worst Babylon 5 episode of all time...and that’s saying something.