
You can’t tell anything from that angle

I didn’t see anything in that speech where he talks about killing his own people that read like remorse to me. He seemed angry, but proud of the steps he was willing to take to put his plan in motion.

At the end of the day, Killmonger is yet another raging, remorseless psychopath with a chip on his shoulder and a cockamamie scheme to rule/destroy/conquer the world. He’s not much different than the majority of MCU baddies and the only thing that makes him somewhat more interesting is that his motivations are rooted

They are. Higgins is going to be a chick.

Yes, pretty much this.

It’s way past time for the Supergirl writers to realize that Mehcad Brooks just doesn’t work on the show and either make him a recurring character and move him to the background, or have him go back to his home planet.

A real, street-level hero in Supergirl would be a great idea. Maybe someone like The Question or The Huntress or heck, even Batgirl. You could do alot of the Batman/Superman type of stories with the usual philosophical arguments about means and ends.

Combs was great in all of his Trek roles, not to mention as the voice of The Question in JLU. He should be in more stuff.

With all due respect, I did a re-watch of Enterprise last year and it’s much better than it gets credit for. It’s certainly better than this show, especially the third and fourth seasons.

Yeah, pretty much. I don’t see current, no-name girlfriend sticking around too long.

> This was the snort of disbelief in a show about a dude who shoots lightning?

Maybe he knows Aristotle from Monty Python.

I can’t blame you for that. My wife is still convinced that the Disco universe isn’t the Trek Prime universe and that our happy crew will get to the Trek universe we all know and love by and by.

True, although I must say that Sonequa Martin-Green looks quite fetching in her evil captain outfit.

Well, if I were the evil captain of a Terran Empire vessel, bikini uniforms for female crew members would absolutely be the order of the day.

If you try to connect this show up to TOS, none of it is going to make any sense at all.

I really don’t get the love for the “One Day At A Time” reboot. I loved the original, but I couldn’t even get through one episode of the new show.

I realize this would probably never happen, but if they were going to do a Donald Trump/Christmas Carol sketch, they should have gotten Dan Ackroyd to do Richard Nixon as Jacob Marley.

Now playing

Did you not watch any 80's movies? This episode was chock full of references, including the volleyball game straight out of Top Gun. How could you not mention that? It was hysterical.

Nothing in this episode is particularly convincing one way or the other as to which side is really the bad guys.