
The thing here is, the premise of this episode, stuck on a world ship so so everyone forgets they’re on a ship, is a such a hoary SF trope. Heck, it was an old story idea back when the original Trek series did it back in 1968.

Zoe Perry, who plays Sheldon’s mom on Young Sheldon, is the daughter of Laurie Metcalf, who plays his mom on Big Bang Theory.

The Strain died as it lived, with a stupid plot that made no sense at all.

Maybe it’s a bit of an homage to Maus?

Have to wonder what the Zach endgame is here. I know most of the AVers hate his guts, and they’re not wrong to do so, but he is just a kid and he’s spent the last year or so under the direct influence of the two most evil beings in history. You’d have to be some kind of saint not to be all fucked up at this point.

Two great movie references! We must now become best friends.

But when is she going to meet Dinosaur Neil?

The 2001 Tick TV show didn’t have the budget for any actual superheroing, so it was all about the humor.

My wife was very unhappy about the lack of Batmanuel.

All these comments will be tears in rain.

I don’t want people standing behind my furniture. That’s why I left the Soviet Union.

TapTapTap... is this thing on?

OK, so we head back to The Wall to capture a wight.

I guess the Gus story is about how humans are still going to fight with and murder each other over scraps even while the extinction of the race is at hand.

Has it really just been over nine months since Illumination Day? In that amount of time the Strigs have not only vanquished the US government, but set up a whole human blood farming apparatus?

I didn't really see that as a rape threat, more of a non-specific "you can be in a much more horrible place" threat.

Not necessarily.

He's not going to ask them to march on Kings Landing. They're going to fight the White Walkers and the army of the dead.

First principles, Clarice: simplicity. Read Marcus Aurelius, "Of each particular thing, ask: What is it in itself? What is its nature?"

They are two very different situations. The Karstarks and the Umbers turned against Robb Stark, but in war alliances do charge. Treason, certainly, but of a more reasonable sort. The Red Wedding was a betrayal of one of the most basic pillars of Westerosi tradition.