
It's way way too early to compare Ansari to one of the most brilliant and influential filmmakers of all time. Although, to be fair, Aziz is still pretty young. At this age, Woody was making amusing fluff like Take The Money And Run.

I can't believe that Jabbawockeez is a real thing. I didn't even bother Googling them because it seemed like a dumb, fake thing made up for the up.

Cannavale was great in this episode, but he really puts a highlight on how weak the acting in this show is generally. He's barely even trying here and he blows everyone else off the screen in every scene he's in.

I think the point was that all the chemistry from the first date came from their shared experiences being Indian in NYC, but beyond that they had nothing really in common so the second date just fizzles out.


Skylar was a terrible person. I don't see how people don't get that.

I guess. He just doesn't seem mean enough for that.

I don't know. Is Pete really supposed to take criticism of his life choices from a woman who shakes her ass in men's faces for money?

The "none of this counts" stuff was just stupid. Sure, crashing the baptism was inappropriate, to say the least, but is a pastor really going to reject somebody who needs help. I think that makes him more of an asshole than really seems reasonable.

I thought the Christian stuff was weak and lazy and the humor, what their was of it, was pretty obvious.

The thing about show biz is sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down and often it has very little to do with anything you've done. Having him lose the gig because someone else had a better connection would have been a nice bit of "this is how things go in the biz".

Bleh. I hate this crap where the main character gets a bit of a win just so he can knocked down the stairs. The way it happened was just so stupid and really out of character.

This was one of those films that played on constant loop on HBO during my teen years. I must have watched eleventy zillion times and every time was worth it.

But why does this have anything to do with Asian-American representation? Whether Major is or isn't ethnicly Japanese, she certainly isn't Asian American.

Yes, but while you can make the argument that The Major is Japanese, there's no argument at all that she's Japanese-American. So, should a Japanese national play her then? That doesn't help your under representation issue either.

That wasn't whitewashing, though. That was yellowface.

I guess 32 was the youngest they felt they could reasonably get away with. But it changes the story in some pretty significant ways.

If it's really terrible, I'll probably bail mid-way through. If it's a bit boring it can be something I keep on in the background while I do something else.

Yes, how dare Finn Jones defend a show he worked on for a half a year of his life on and cost Netflix millions of dollars to make. He should just admit to everyone that it sucks and then go home and wind his watch.

It's hard to know what to think here.