
It's kind of hard to believe how good this show is. I like it more than a lot of the top drawer dramas on the more respectable cable networks.

It's kind of hard to believe how good this show is. I like it more than a lot of the top drawer dramas on the more respectable cable networks.

Thus endeth the Pokemon episode of True Blood.

Thus endeth the Pokemon episode of True Blood.

I'd probably go with Grizzly Bear myself, especially in  a confined space. Less chance of killing an innocent bystander.

I'd probably go with Grizzly Bear myself, especially in  a confined space. Less chance of killing an innocent bystander.

If you think about what vampire politics might really be like, subtle conflicts played out with exquisite planning and precision over centuries, the Authority looks even more like a giant bag of shit.

If you think about what vampire politics might really be like, subtle conflicts played out with exquisite planning and precision over centuries, the Authority looks even more like a giant bag of shit.

The whole Authority plot line has been such a fizzle. The ancient leaders of the global, vampire community are nothing but a handful of worthless corporate, douchebags who hold their meetings in some dreary sub-basement? Is that the best you can do, guys?

The whole Authority plot line has been such a fizzle. The ancient leaders of the global, vampire community are nothing but a handful of worthless corporate, douchebags who hold their meetings in some dreary sub-basement? Is that the best you can do, guys?

In the first episode, Skyler gives Walt his birthday HJ while surfing eBay. I think it would be hard to get more emasculating than that. Not to mention that when Walt gets cancer diagnosis, she refuses to let him make the treatment decision. He doesn't get to decide about his own life.

In the first episode, Skyler gives Walt his birthday HJ while surfing eBay. I think it would be hard to get more emasculating than that. Not to mention that when Walt gets cancer diagnosis, she refuses to let him make the treatment decision. He doesn't get to decide about his own life.

There's a bit in the Lurkers Guide for "A View From The Gallery" where JMS notes that he can bang out a B5 script himself in two or three days but it takes him as much as a week to "fix" a script written for the show by someone else. I think that says it all, really.

There's a bit in the Lurkers Guide for "A View From The Gallery" where JMS notes that he can bang out a B5 script himself in two or three days but it takes him as much as a week to "fix" a script written for the show by someone else. I think that says it all, really.

I've been bagging on this show a lot, and it's all well-deserved, but I'm really enjoying the re-watching. I haven't seen most of these shows since they first aired and I'm finding the earnest, funky, season one vibe very fun to get into. It's really very ST:TOS-like.

I've been bagging on this show a lot, and it's all well-deserved, but I'm really enjoying the re-watching. I haven't seen most of these shows since they first aired and I'm finding the earnest, funky, season one vibe very fun to get into. It's really very ST:TOS-like.

Eureka, I assume. Unfortunately, only about a dozen people still watch that show, including me.

Eureka, I assume. Unfortunately, only about a dozen people still watch that show, including me.

What makes "A View From The Gallery" even worse is that it's a bit of a roman a clef with Bo and Mack stading in for JMS and Harlan Ellison.

What makes "A View From The Gallery" even worse is that it's a bit of a roman a clef with Bo and Mack stading in for JMS and Harlan Ellison.