Matthew Chomiczewski

Jesus, i lay down a challenge.

@Rusty Harding: No, you are bot the minority. The matter of the fact is this topic has blown out of proportion and it is making people paranoid about the issue. Now people are having a heart attack every time they loose a bar.

@Crisss1205: Lol, thank you for affirming that.

In regards to the video refs, I believe the best method to be applied to soccer is what the International Rugby Board uses.

@DroidDoesMe: Most "Classics" are free to download on the iBook store.

@peckels01: Wow I didn't even notice that thanks for the heads up.

So check this out.

@Billybird: Yeah but if today you created a company that was worth less than $5,000, shortly after left the company, and a decade later it was worth over $1,000,000,000???

Chicago Please AT&T,

@dicknasty: "Apple (and I'd include Volvo and VW off the top of my head) profits by marketing to the niche that has an inherent need to be morally superior/"cooler" than the rest of the public as a whole. That's it. They make money off a targeted demographic."

@P45K4L: I too live in Chicago, and after the storm it was the yellowist day I have ever seen. It was wierd.

People, people.

@HardRuisu: Lol. I lol at people who can't take a joke.

@Kuro: You being made left handed makes you an epic design failure.