
Google: Sure we’ll work with you

That’s awesome.

crosspost to Jalopnik?

Let’s see tis mess and this is just scrolling

What a fucking mess of a layout.  What is this, Verge?  Also, get rid of the FUCKING SLIDESHOW.

I’ve never seen that and it was awesome

The part where the boat sank was good CGI

nice write up!  I like that fun fact at the end

Release TBD...John Voigt as Elder Green Beret, John Krasksnkiski as Younger Green Beret and Javier Bardem as Gohsn

Imagine a scenario where you are buried six feet under in a coffin conformed to your body, and then you wake up.

This new format of not scrolling but instead clicking next is stupid.  I click next but then still have to scroll to see two paragraphs.  What’s wrong with scroll format??

Sleep paralysis happens to me all the time.  It fucking sucks.  There is some doom happening to me, i can scream all i want, try to move, hyperventilate and all the gf hears is ‘mew mew’, and then pushes on me to wake up.  Im 46, been happening most of my life.  I’m always sleepy.

“Points at someone”,”Says the word ‘Hater’”,”Rambles on about nothing”

well that looks awesome

The sticker and sign companies are having a good month

didn’t see in settings to transfer, uninstalled, reinstalled, looked at settings, still not there.

damn right it is

and fuck you and your last sentence.

Give some people freedom, not so bad. Give a shit ton of people freedom, now you got problems. To say America was built on freedom is antiqued and does not apply to modern living. Freedom can and will evolve. The experiment worked, at that time, however now people want to hang on to that and that’s now not sustainable.