Great answer. I forgot to add the part about actually selling the art. Thanks for the response.
Great answer. I forgot to add the part about actually selling the art. Thanks for the response.
They’re boxy.
I’ve never understood how people can paint pictures of ____(insert superhero) and not get sued by ____(insert comic book publisher)
HAHAHHA, not what I was expecting. Mr. Claven? Why have I not heard of this Jeopardy champ. Ohhhh that Mr. Claven :p Good one!
Reading these, I must be the luckiest 43 year old guy in a ten year relationship with a 50 year old horny all the the time gal. We learned a long time ago what we like and do it all the time. No brag but she always tells me I’m her best lover. I say to her just keep doing what you do. We be happy. Communication…
I agree. I’d be more impressed that someone built a car from another car and did some cool fiberglass work and want to know more than a guy went and bought an expensive car because they can. The guy who built a car is way cooler.
It would be nice but even the idea of building a high speed rail from Houston to Dallas WITH proven technology is having a tough time.
That’s me. Not a public pooper, ever.
Male here. Before I met my SO I had an ongoing FWB with three different women. With each of them there was already a friendship before. The upfront expectation of “this is all it is” from them made a young lad (mid 30s) very happy for a few years. I’m not the type to take girls home from the bar and they weren’t…
I really don’t understand the non-love for keepass.
What a f’d up story :(
An old man with too many yes men, money, and coke
40 minutes in and getting weird
Watching it now
Exactly, Carell is awesome. He did such a good job I hated him :)
His role in Foxcatcher was incredible
Donald J. Trump—I am sure he has a wickedly awesome life hack.
I live across the street and can show you the elevation and how this area was not flooded, at ALL. I can walk out of my apt and walk across the street and show how the “church” was not under water. If the doors were lapping with water, my fourth story apt would be in trouble.