
Unless the participant uploaded a how-to with this weeks challenge you won't see one. Perhaps seeing they got chosen they'd like to update with some more details.

I'd like t know more about the apps used to control various equipment around the house. Also, there'a vid on youtube with a Mazda3/Nexus7 that is a pretty clean install. Been wanting to do that myself.

Your freedom


Oh yeah, I remember that. Promptly forgot about it also.

No way, those are JAMS!

I'vd had good luck using IFTTT to setup notifications to my email. I think it runs every 15 minutes against Craigslist.

The Ms. will be dissapointed. My wallet is relieved.

Same here. I'd like to get on of those cheap tablets and install something like this with some tasker. Keep in the kitchen as a small infotainment thingy.

Nice. Inspiring

I'm going to agree with you and throw in Dream Theater. :-)

took me a sec :-)

The Jeep should've taken first. That is a slick almost stock looking addition.

Reminds me of an early version of the Probe sideview mirrors.

So I legally purchase my vehicle in CA and a year later my job transfers me to NY and I can't register my car there? This sounds like gay marriage recognized in one state but not another.

haha, :-)

No No and No.

That looks pretty sweet. Wish I was skilled enough to make something like that for Android or had the time to learn. :-(

Then you're doing a fine parenting job. Cheers!