
That is idiotic. And there was a victim and it was a crime in this circumstance.

I work with a guy who is an “owner” and has never been to a Packers game. He seems pretty proud of his “owner” status though.

I can’t wait for Pulisic to not make any difference for the fortunes of US soccer.


Wow. That’s a shockingly dumb comment from a bitter racist Bungles fan. Guess what dude your team sucks and is run by morons.

YES. Yes. YES!

LOL! The trick is you actually need to win the ring, and the Raiders ain’t winning shit.

Never heard of a GM interviewing himself for a HC job. Interesting tactic. It also wouldn’t surprise me because the Raiders make the Redskins look like a competently run organization.

Nice try, but you’re wrong.

You’re an idiot.

It’s better to remain silent and be thought and idiot, than to speak and remove all doubt.

Yes it is genuinely stupid that the Raiders are so poorly run they can’t even follow rules that are known and understood by most football fans.

It’s the Rooney Rule, not the Rooney suggestion. A competently run organization would know of and adhere to such a well known rule. The people running the Raiders are completely incompetent (shocking right) and do not need to be defended.

No. Just no.

Wow. I thought OP was an idiot, but then I read this.

Seriously? This is a laughably dumb defense of the Raiders.

Man that 5 minutes last year when it seemed like Mark Davis might actually be a semi-competent owner was hilarious in retrospect.

Good lord. These takes just get worse and worse the farther you scroll.

Holy fuck this is the most idiotic take yet. You haven’t been watching basketball very closely if you think Draymond and Chris Paul acts are unique or new.