
No. Your comment doesn’t make any sense. Vegas already has tons of tourism, bringing an NFL team into the city is not going to appreciably increase revenue from tourism, especially when they are paying $750,000,000 to bring the team there.

This is easily the dumbest comment on this article. That shit might have gotten a chuckle out of some morons 50 years ago. Wake the fuck up dude.

Wow, is that a reference to the Walton’s? I not sure if it makes sense, but I like it.

Jesus these takes are dumb. Sorry bud, if you are getting paid to coach that team you better have better impulse control and take the snub like the adult you are supposed to be.

I thought there was going to be a funny punchline to that nonsense, but alas it’s just stupid drivel.

The only thing little about that man is his brain, and possibly his penis.

Oh please. As if you’ve never seen a fight start develop from one of these handshake lines...

Um, actually shaking hands after a game is Bush-League. Professional players only congratulate themselves. 

“The more I watch Kyrie the more inexplicable his supposed superstardom becomes to me.”

How the hell does Kyrie only score 8 points? What a joke.

That is some value right there. Don’t get cheated.

It’s perfectly legal to pick fruit from a branch that is hanging over public property (i.e. the sidewalk) Other than that I see so many god damn citrus trees chock full of oranges driving around LA and you know those mother fuckers have a bottle of OJ in the fridge. Fuck ‘em I say that fruit is up for grabs. If you

You seem to have a firm grasp of reality.

There’s a short vacation in every Box-O-Wine. And by that I mean you will call in sick to work the next day.

Jesus how fucking high is that guy in the picture. That is the look of someone who has done a lot of drugs for at least 10 years.

Man, that was great.


Are you fucking kidding? You think they let it slide because he’s pretty? Seriously? WTF? You think maybe, probably, it’s because he is points leader and the best player in the League?
