
From what I understand none of the good players give a shit about playing for their high school teams because the only thing that matter are summer traveling teams and AAU. So you get games like the “fake game” that basically turn out like NBA All-Star games.

He is absolutely taking away tons of attention and “ink” from the team and their season. I’m guessing you don’t live in LA anymore.

user name checks out. But eating your daily dose of weed seems like a pretty big gamble to me.

“Why haven’t I had a gin and tonic in 7 months?”

LOL. I definitely have had that feeling before. Worse was this winter I forgot to start drinking old fashioned’s when the oranges in my tree got ripe. I missed out on a good 2 months of amazing cocktails.

McDonalds fries are not “formed” they are made using mutant potatoes that have to meet very strict standards. And there are 19 ingredients in those fries you’re eating. They could totally do the same thing for onion rings and they would also be disgusting.

And we’re the savages, Fucking simpletons. I bet they put their skippy on wonderbread.

Those savages and their wretched technology. How is civilization going to survive with so many people eschewing the natural protocol of stirring your peanut butter before you eat it... Moron.

Natural Peanut butter is not some hipster conspiracy, but unfortunately we are surrounded by moronic sheep.

Yeah, you’re a moron. Only in this day and age are people so fucking stupid that they would argue that the peanut butter with added sugar and preservatives is the “real” peanut butter. Do us all a favor and go jump off a bridge.

“Are you ready to enjoy the best two weeks of the sports calendar?”

Wow. Live under a rock much? Can’t think of anyone huh?


LOL. Dude. $98 isn’t even that bad.

LOL. Dude. $98 isn’t even that bad.

Lol. You are joking yourself if you don’t know someone who wears Levi’s which is far and away the most popular jeans brand in the world.

Lol. You are joking yourself if you don’t know someone who wears Levi’s which is far and away the most popular jeans

It’s not the same thing.

Remember when UCLA was somehow a #4 seed last week.

Holy Fuck Billy Shaq’s winning? You seriously have the most impressively idiotic takes on this website.

Touche`? Well I hope you are getting as much out of this as I am.

It’s nice to see that you have no idea how this works.

“That’s where the Lakers are heading: Knicks-level public humiliation.”