
That will be a hilarious wake up call. If there is one thing that is absolutely certain, it is that Americans like their Sports and Athletes a whole lot more than they like politics and their politicians.

The hypocrisy is palpable.

Amen. I want a platform to spew my deranged left wing ideology.

We have discarded the useless myth of progress. Or are you living in the past?

The tears are so sweet.

Sriracha is basically ketchup at my house. And by that I mean I put it on everything, but if you put ketchup on anything please stop. I don’t think this analogy works.


Go deeper. Like really spicy. Also I didn’t perceive the effect until I learned about it very recently. Next time you eat something uncomfortably spicy pay attention and you’ll probably notice the endorphin rush.

Hahahahaha. This happens to me all the time. I can be standing there with a dry mouth and if I start thinking about the bottle of Cholula in my fridge my mouth starts watering. I also get a weird tingly sensation sometimes too.

I have often wondered whether I like spicy food so much because I unconsciously got addicted to the endorphin rush associated with eating it. I only recently learned about this and became conscious of the euphoric feeling I get when eating a really spicy meal.

Amen. Although it definitely is directly related to capsaicin, but like anything if you have a tolerance you need more of it to get the effect. And like a small child won’t drink enough whiskey to get drunk because they don’t like the taste people who don’t like spicy food likely won’t be able to consume enough

Missed the point much?


NO! ZUCK is purely benevolent!

“these fortunes aren’t outrageous”

hahahaha, lol. Now this is what I call concentration of power. I want 50 copies of my comments ungreyed.



Lol. That’ll be the day. While we’re at it make election days federal holidays (No work, No school). A $100 tax break for voting would be great too.

You poor simpleton.