
wait didn't nazi's use guns too! *gasp* GTA4 is a hitler-sim!

i love it but i bet peny arcade got an in in this competition so best not use fruit fucker

so sony is worsening the PS3... I mean the Wii is great but can u picture a PS3/Wii cross bread...

huffeladump - a fighter who is obsurvioutly out of breath

on the one had awesome how they consider you aong the like of Stan freaking Lee!, on the other against them you don't stand a snowballs chance in Oblivion... okay lame i know...

wonder how they will make it new again as i have heard they wanted to do not just a new story but a new mechanic

@kidnicky: thats an awsome title i vot for your's.

even character are choosing sides, I'm surprised snake or Otacon didn't make some "arcane" reference to the wonders of "HD dvd's"

@Okari: agreed but you have to admire the classic SNES simpson with bart in different ages, and genres, (baby, cave man, pig?)

@InsidiousTuna: nope 360 still in the dark but i imagine once they've doen two or three more they may make it an update, unless they re gonna make us wait for all classes to be upgraded.

i may be an apple whore, but i ahve no need to buy games for my iPhone, it maybe a multi functioan device eh? but I'm good with gaming on my DS or PSP, no need to add more space stealing junk to m already crammed iPhone.

if i have to sit at work and hear children tv shows all day i may just go GTA4 on someone... and i dont even LIKE gta

i would have said shooter as i hated them but now i stay up all night online (just got hooked on bad company demo) and am freezing from cold basement, but what gene gets me cold... anything designed for kids but too hard to figure out even for nasa staff

hmm nothing but a diaper, and lieing on a bear skin rub with my but int he air... the house with this in it will go un robbed, and un inhabited...