Hey Sergio, uh where do we tuck this cable for this one TV? Sergio: " Let's cover the whole dam wall with TV's so that no wires show!" the disco ball is a nice touch, haha.
Hey Sergio, uh where do we tuck this cable for this one TV? Sergio: " Let's cover the whole dam wall with TV's so that no wires show!" the disco ball is a nice touch, haha.
lol yeah, I found it sort of funny though. Crysis was one of my first PC titles, and my only reason for buying it was to justify my expensive hardware. For better graphics of course.
I'm guessing they're gauging the prices and not improving the actual device because they are already the defaco standard for students, why try any more. Anyway, I hear they are developing a ipad or whatever app to emulate a real ti84. My non tech professors still see using electronics in class as disrespectful , no…
Your right plot wise, its well... up there. PC gamers such as myself try a little harder to think of the plot in a better way than it really is since the graphics, and game play are so fun, can't help but get engrossed with the plot, even though there isn't really any character development and things like that in this…
That was a good read Tessa. It was interesting to hear about how rough you had it after college.
There is crashplan backup, unlimited 5 dollars a month, but their software isn't really meant for such huge backup sets, it has memory issues and such. Works for me though. I payed for a 1 tb hd mailed, I filled it sent it back, after that the software only had to keep up with what ever I changed.
Fantastical is great, but my only gripe is it's supposedly "natural language engine" is not always so ideal. If I click on the first of the month and set a event, "finish math hw p.20," or "Finish project due 30th," Well than forget about the event being on the first of the month like I wanted, the event's name gets…
There are also some programs that puts a standard encryption on individual files in your dropbox automatically when you put it into your dropbox folder. This method would make the do it your self method much more automated. And also you to use the writing app you want. I personally use dayone, but I wanted a reason to…
I've noticed no real problem gaming wise on windows 8. Running almost legacy games like fallout 3 and NV, has a few problems when it crashes, making you unable to move the focus window to the task manager to end the process, such as you would do in windows 7. Since you have a laptop, I would recommend you upgrading…
I suppose he doesn't want to give an acknowledgment that "games give people violent tendencies." I don't think they do at all, but I guess that's his perspective. I mean honestly there are those realistic sim shooters that I don't really like, because its too realistic, and less fun in my opinion. Maybe some crazies…
lol, haha I do this. but it is because my college's wifi sucks and is finiky, and I need different devices for different means of accessing what I need.
I have a list of screen shotted receipts on evernote, its just where I organize that stuff. When I get an important doc or receipt I just forward that email to evernote for later filing. There are some blogs that offer an email list for their posts, I give them my evernote email. If you don't use evernote in the…
On the mac the notebooks view doesn't make any sense what so ever, not the view that lists your notebooks vertically as usual, the view when you select "notebooks". Also on ios, the notebooks view doesn't make sense. What is that, a file cabinet? Why are some of my folders normal wood colored, while ones with…
lol, jokes aside in depth articles are a must for LH, or else it becomes just a paragraph long text block with a picture and a link.
As for me, I'll be done with all this, when I invest in the Synology DS413, and buy four 3TB WD red drives to fill it, to do my redundant backups locally, and disk images, manually time to time. My internet speed isn't suited for online backup in the first place. If I had a 50 Megabit Fios line, maybe crashplan would…
I've used it for a couple of years now. They're entire threads on their forum, that haven't been addressed for years. Their application has stayed the same for so long now. There are very fundamental bugs in there software, such as the memory shortage problem.
It would be great if they priced it so low, they destabilize the industry, making Verizon and the others scramble to lower prices.
If you use it as a file organizer, for your pictures, pdf's, text snippits, articles, than it becomes a pretty essential program for you.
I'm pretty sure it either uploads the entire container from scratch, or just doesn't realize anything has changed, and doesn't update the container. There are some programs that do a standard encryption to a directory in your dropbox, for each individual file.
Is there a website that compiles all your info gathered from google'ing yourself? When I google myself, I see old amazon reviews, school websites, and twitter, and some other useless stuff. I don't really mind websites knowing I have a 2560x1600 res screen and things like that.