
It can go offline. Also for those paranoid people that like to have a local copy of all their emails.

Can you go into a little more in depth explanation of what you just said? Can you explain what a HFS+ journaled file system is?

From what I understand OSX has many features implemented into the OS which help to keep the disk optimized. - []

lol, yeah, moving files around in windows directories is so much easier. It's hard to believe Apple still did not get it down to be as easy as managing files in windows.

This guy has so many of, what do you call those? umm books I think, incredible. My wires are neat, but man, this guys setup is utterly amazing.

Yeah, I wouldn't raise an eyebrow for most of these games coming out. Skyrim is different, I'd get out of my way to get my hands on it. And by that I mean sit in front of my computer and download it.

The picture above looks like it's from the Japanese blog: yowayowacamera(.com)

lol, $499 huh, I'll buy 5 please.

I'm going to rinse my dollar bills in tainted blood just for you lol.

Being Liberal Muslim myself, I just find what you propose really funny. Your one of those crazy people I see on TV. How is it you can generalize an entire group of persons into a single category? Do you hate black people too? Or is it just Muslims?

And how do they do business? I'm not trying to be sarcastic or anything, I honestly want to know why you don't like how they do business.

lol, the apple software guys had a choice to program into siri what to say when a user asks, "do you love me siri," and they chose "I respect you"???????? They should have told Siri to say, "I love you too much, I wanna give you a high five!." Common apple, get it together.

He looks a bit like Jeff Goldblum in his younger days. That's not something I can take seriously. I mean Job's iconic white backdrop photo is comparable to the Lion in the OSX Lion screen savor, lol. Oh and I hate office politics, It's hard not to get sucked into it.

Things got pretty interesting around the end. So even the pro's use google image search for simple things. Many of the revisions he went through in those fast moving clips were better than the final poster in my opinion. Another thing I found unsettling was how often he had to go deep in his file system to look for

I incorporated many of the things you mentioned as time went on by myself. I'm always looking for new ways to better, more efficiently organized my documents. Thanks for the article.

Reading about how exactly others keep their files organized is interesting. I'd like some more screen shots, and a little more explanation of how the files are actually sorted. I myself have multiple TB's of data that I organize. I like to file away downloaded files soon as I obtain them. As for notes and pdf's, I put

Can somebody tell me what the iOS platform is built on? Android is built over a linux operating system right? I'm by no means a developer or a coder, as you can probably guess by now.

Well to use this you must sign in with facebook and allow the browser plug-in to post pictures and posts on your behalf, so basically, it makes you an advertizing whore. Free calls coupled with spamish posts to your friends? Obviously I'm going to choose Google over this.

I have my monitors in front of windows like in the picture. With a glass screen like that, reflections must be a pain.

lol don't be mad if your picture wasn't on the blog. It would probably be sorta gross if guys were taking pictures of girls they don't know on the subway, but I guess it's ok this way.