
@JobyOne: What will you use when on a ...say school computer. Is having Lastpass's special "hackproof" somthing flash drive your only option to log into a site? I actually am deciding if I should make all my passwords a different alphanumeric mix like you did.

I really do want to stay secure, but I don't want to rely on a password manager program. 14 dollars a month + that special flash drive thing that holds your passwords that Lastpass offers is a whole lot of work. To keep a secure password through all your devices.

Looks like some kind of sewage drainage tank.

Sounds like a deadly disease. Reminds me of Cancer.

@Xer0Ph0kus: No near apocalypse just brings nostalgic moments from our fav zombie movies ,that's all.

I wonder when something like the Vaults from the FALLOUT games will come to exist in real life for regular people.

Well I don't know about this, but a little while back literally every other HDD I buy comes dead. I might just be unlucky or those UPS guys are dropping it left and right. Oh well, Newegg got smart and starting putting better packaging with their drives now.

This probably makes more sense banning from airports than my Dove shampoo.

lol, did the cop want to see him jump.

Seems a little messy with the wires behind the monitors, but it would be insanely nice to have something like that for coding or even gaming I guess.

Giz...sigh. I think you crashed their website. That"s some power you guys have.

That's actually really cool. We teach our kids how to use a calculator before using their fingers now.

So that means smirking at everyone all my life will make me live half as long.

I can't see the greatness in art like this. Simple things that over time become a mystifying work of art. What ever looks good, I like. It doesn't matter from what time it's from. As for the initials...well I think it's better left a mystery.

Now playing

Great advertisement from Google. I didn't see an add that good from them since the one about Ajay Bhatt, maker of the usb.

@pixelsnader: Yup that is the undieing problem for me. I'll probably invest in some proper liquid cooling, some time before this spring.

There should just be robots that rape us before we take our flights. I wonder what other silly ways bombs can be transported.