
If it's not 4G and is just a marketing name, than is there a more appropriate name in the mean while to define what carriers are putting out?

Obviously the type of people doing these things are poor, misguided, brainwashed human beings that are shrouded by so much hatred. Also seeing the video below my comment shows that this hatred goes both ways.

Games need to do this more if you ask me. Not kill people left and right, well maybe so; what I mean is games now a days needs to play at the players emotions more. Also like you said what would be a bad movie would be a pretty good game story line.

oh and the program is saying it's calculating estimated lifetime, any idea of when it will give me a answer?

It shows that Data written in GB's onto my 80GB SSD is 1098.6. Now that can't be right can it? Does it really write that much on to it when you run your OS off of it? Well Intel did promise that whole 20GB's a day for five years thing right, still I don't want degradation of performance in the future.

Cherepovets sounds like "Chernobyl", that nuclear accident. Which is also depicted in the Stalker video game as a depressing mutant filled isolated area. Looking at that view as I wake up in the morning... I'd take the mutants.

A Giz editor should secretly get a job at Foxconn and see how hard it really is.

It's not a huge deal at all for the people who have latest gen phones, but for the non tecky and lazy masses who expect their product that they entered a two year plan with to work; well, they will be getting angry.

I feel like I'm being probed watching this video.

Silly small apps like HDR and the Twitter app are very simple and a delight to use on the iphone and ipad. They are the kind of apps I would buy for my desktop. Being as redundant as it is, I still do think there is room for this catagory of the app market to expand.

2010 for windows is very nice looking. It may just be my thoughts, but I could swear every thing is more responsive. I expessially love the Outlook upgrade from 2007.

@Tony Kaye: Is it sort of a Palm Pre feel? You know cheap and dinky.

That's a natural born zombie killer right their. Oh god, can you imagine if the mom ends up OK. Every time he does something bad. She will be like "You shot me, you demon child, do what I say"

@Watermelephant: At twelve!? You're a early bloomer huh. Wait what were we talking about.

I think everybody is impressionable in a way. More so when you are still forming the concept of who you are and what's your worth; this usually happens at the late teens to adulthood.

When I was twelve, I did jack squat!

Lucky kid. I live on the first floor.

Bird poop... Lot's of it.