
I think this all started with the Gulf War. It was the first big action since Vietnam and there were a lot of questions about the reaction of the populace after the war towards the vets in comparison to the Vietnam Vets and their homecomings. There was a conscious effort to congratulate the soldiers when they came

They’re only deified when it serves a political purpose. As soon as veterans, cops, firefighters, paramedics need something like, oh, say, healthcare after courageously trying to save people after the worst terrorist attack in our history, they go back to being leeches in the eyes of Republicans.

Thank you for your service.

I know what you’re saying so I’m not intending to take you to task. But it should be mentioned that the W presidency really set the table for a lot of what has made the Trump presidency so absurd and awful.

Most us the guys I know from home that signed up, did so because we weren’t going to college and the power plant wasn’t hiring. Delivering pizza’s can get old real quick. Sure there were some thoughts of patriotism and the like mixed in, but mostly we were stuck in poor dead end towns with no decent jobs.

Yes, W. Bush and his vanity-project of a war are why we are in this mess. I’m sure he is likable as a person, but the world will never recover from the consequences of what he has done.

Dubya was incompetent and misguided. The dotard is just plain malevolent.

Exactly. Leave that to Oprah and The Secret!

The NFL has only itself to blame. They were the ones that latched on to the post-9/11 narrative and whored themselves out a la Toby Keith and 90% of the country music industry. They wrapped themselves in the flag like no other league and rode it all the way to the bank. They re-wrote the narrative about themselves,

Right? Thoughts and prayers won’t turn the lights on, re-roof the homes, stock any kitchens or add any hospital beds. Neither, by the way, will tax cuts or eliminating health care.

After 13 years in the military I’d have to tell you that it would never happen. The military is entirely too unorganized for this. You need shit shot and blown up. Gotcha. Run an option? Not happening.

I’m jealous. You’re clearly way higher than me right now.

I could literally watch this for an hour and not get tired of it. Thank you.

How will ANY team win today with these distractions. Could set a record for ties today.

This, this, this. I’ve Ben saying since the primaries that the disease is deeply embedded in the American psyche, Trump is just one symptom.

This is not North Korea and they don’t have to stand for the flag. They are not spitting at the soldiers, they are exercising the rights the soldiers supposedly died for. What good are our rights if we don’t use them, no matter what our profession is? Soldiers will be fighting for nothing if we take our rights for


We are in a bad place, I’m just not sure who to blame anymore.

He reminds me more and more of my mother when she was in mid to late stage dementia. Paranoid, violent, no filters, unable to distinguish between reality and what was going on in her head. Even the way his aides talk about him sounds like dealing with someone with dementia or Alzheimer’s. He is not fit to hold office.