
Just do not get this glowing retrospective. It’s like a little boy writing about comic book heroes with earnest true belief.

Be bold, Dustin!

Hey Jeff, remember that time former Deadspin douche Kyle Wagner wrote some nasty shit about you, and you blogged about it?

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

Michelle Woo,

I don’t doubt that this is correct, but why?

“Why keep wasting time?” he said today in Manhattan Criminal Court. “Let’s try to keep the streets better for kids instead of going to court.”

This comment cuts to the heart of the matter.

Kongo is a bad man. Jesus.

Amazing, thoughtful, conflicted comment, Teddy.

Joe knows better.

On the other hand, machines have no problem fessing up to their mistakes.

This has happened to me three times.

Almost certainly a directed adaptation concerning the hips, esp, the glute medius, which up the chain, necessarily involves the ‘core’ to stabilize the pelvis.

You have an alert! “Chris” wants to hang out. Swipe left to set up a playdate!

The only thing that would make this better is if that guy caved in Chris Christie’s skull.

see also: Jezebel, Kardashians, et. al.

I predict that Lifehacker will not be doing any doctor friendly euthanasia posts any time soon.

Life is nasty and brutish, and I generally despise humanity.

People are complex, complicated...