
5 MPH?

Are you trying to defend underage sex? That’s...not a good hill to die on.

You’ll be making West Virginia Great Again! in the process. /s

Everyone has a right to an opinion, but this does not change your employment status for those who are full time.

Until you require them to vote and then people loose their minds.

Good for Jalopnik.

I hope he gets nothing

There’s no question that VW acted unethically by manufacturing, marketing and selling these cheaty diesels, but that doesn’t make this bro’s actions any more ethical. There’s a difference between what legal, per the terms of VW’s buyback, and what is ethical. Devaluing an asset that has already been agreed to be

Joe is a moron and VW should tell him to go pound sand.

As I said yesterday, as an attorney I love idiots like Joe. A car salesman that “has read the documents and knows what the settlement says.”

Absolute best thing for business.

Congratulations to this douche.

Appropriate screen name is appropriate. Hate to sound like I’m taking VW’s side in this but man do I not feel the least little bit bad for them telling this dude to fuck right off.

“I’ve waited long enough already,”

“Joe remains firm that stripping the car wasn’t a breach of the terms in the class action suit, saying he plans to get his own legal advice in the coming days.”

They didn’t anticipate this level of dipshit. This would have violated the terms of all the buybacks in the past, so I can’t blame them for telling this idiot to pound sand. If he really wanted to fuck with VW... he should have taken the money and bought a Toyota.

In the known universe, there is nobody — and I mean nobody — more prickish than a VW owner who perceives themselves as having been wronged.

3/5 Mustangs: If the out of control wheelspin causes the Mustang to hit a stationary object like a post, bush, tree or is otherwise damaged (tire puncture, clutch or engine failure) Threat level: MODERATE

This website (well Jalopnik) has been saying its over budget for years

I mean, that was a hell of a pass though.