
This is a ranking of dealerships, and Tesla doesn’t have any (because all of the ones listed fought against it).  Tesla just has showrooms, and if you want to actually buy the car, there’s no salesperson to deal with. You go to the website, order the car, and wait for it to get delivered. There’s nothing else to do.

McDonald’s Chicken Nuggets Are Basically Free Right Now

Her most recent one.  She kept going on about how all she wanted to do was cheat on him.  It was... kinda difficult to watch.  I ended up feeling bad for her husband.

Where’s the ‘Stop Buying New Samsung Devices’ article?

Is that from a movie or a TV show?  I’m unfamiliar with the reference.

Both email and WhatsApp are terrible for sending media (photos and videos) of any consequential size. Recorded a 5-minute 4K 60fps video? Good luck sending the original file via email or WhatsApp.

“You can jot down ideas, interesting links you stumble upon, or any photos or videos you want to share.”

Stop Using Spotlight on Your iPhone (and Do This Instead)

“if the writers went “back and forth” on the “lighting rod” remark.”

Finally, a Prius that actually looks nice!

“it’s running a high rake”

What was the question?  We can’t all watch (or want to watch) videos.

For those interested in the source:

And also all the creditors he owes money to; there’s a reason Twitter now owes $1B per year in interest charges alone.

“since the Urus SUVs don’t comply with FMVSS 111"

“Read on for a list of things that you shouldn’t expect to be able to use forever”

I think it’s because it’s safer to just save it, rather than risk deleting something someone might have wanted saved.  If they give you the option of saving or not saving every single time, it would be really annoying.  If they gave you the option to select to save it all the time or to not save it all the time, and

Isn’t Survivor a CBS show?  Which means it would be on Paramount+, not HBO Max?

Florida Inmate Starves to Death