
“It’s available in the Google app.”

“First, some may be wondering why I waited until I got to the island to try and rent a car.”

Someone Will Buy This 1997 TVR Chimaera, Even Though It Rightfully Should Be Mine

So why not just say, “earned a total compensation of between $6.3 million and $28.6 million”?

“earned a total compensation of between at least $14 million and more than $28 million”

“Almost if that’s by design.”

“They love to look at a mirror because they can see themselves in a mirror.”

Yup, it’s like the whole SoCal/NorCal or Vegas/Reno thing where people from Northern California say they’re better than Southern California or people from Reno say they’re better than Vegas. People from Southern California or Vegas are basically like, “ok... I didn’t even know we had a rivalry, because we don’t even

I don’t understand these types of “articles”. Apple never said they were the first, yet we always get people who write things in the vein of “nuh-uh, Android/Windows/whatever had it first!” 

“I would add rental cars, as this is a fairly common necessity”

Sounds more like ‘The Lion King: The Tale of Mufasa’, since aside from sitting around telling stories, doesn’t sound like much would be happening in the ‘Part II’ aspect.

“Apple’s claims that the ANC on the AirPod Pro 2nd Gen is twice as good as the 1st Gen’s needs to hold water if the company wants to compete. ”

“My Fenix 6x gets around 55 hours of GPS tracking, 14 days of normal wearing with a moderate amount of notifications. Built with better materials than Apple, better water proofing, better tracking via GPS.”

Please, please, please, stop with the slideshows!

You then mention the mini going away, but don’t detail anything else in terms of “Apple has also decided to let some things go that you might wish were sticking around.” What are the other things?

“As expected, it’s considerably more expensive than the Series 8 at $799, although that price includes three strap options, including one that can be stretched over a wetsuit.”

Unless they killed off the rest of the town and tried to keep the water for just their family and friends...

Houston could also choose to implement zoning. I could definitely be wrong, but isn’t zoning basically non-existent in Houston?

I’m looking forward to the camera improvements. The iPhone 12 Pro Max was a marked improvement from the iPhone 11 Pro Max, and I started using the iPhone 12 Pro Max for 99% of the photos I took.

“If they’re a bit bland, use more than you normally would—you really can’t go far wrong, as your worst-case scenario here is needing a heavy hand with the table salt at dinner.”