
“Labels is SO BAD at labeling, I’ve missed so many password reset emails because it gets thrown in “promotions” which I have to search “all mail” for.”

“The last I heard, the SW hotel was fully booked for like three months. Was that inaccurate?”

An Angry Stalker Used an Apple Watch Wrapped Around His Ex’s Tire Spokes to Secretly Track Her

“Russian GovernmentFederal Agency for State Property Managementfree-floating As of March 2020, the owns 51% of Aeroflot through the , with the rest of the shares being .”

“Mazda already has the CX-5 which is roughly the same shape and size as the new CX-50, but the CX-5 may actually be the redundant one.”

“Tesla drivers charging at the EV maker’s network of Superchargers are reporting they have had their battery charge limits set to 80% at certain sites that it says are in high demand.”

“Whichever Spider-Man it is, Espinosa said that audiences would “soon,” or at least he believed they would.”

How much would the 240V installation have been?  Where I am, it’s ~$700 if you want to be within about 6 feet of the panel.

“Instead of thawing out at 32° Fahrenheit, it takes 1,340° F heat to make the rare ice phase liquify.”

LAPSUS$ has, in past attacks, asked for payment and held sensitive information as blackmail. In the case of Nvidia, the group threatened to release stolen internal data unless GPU drivers were made open source and Ethereum cryptocurrency mining limiters were removed from Nvidia 30-series graphics cards.

“later games included the ability to move away or towards the camera to create the feeling of real 3D environments rather than moving vertically across the screen. ”

Please stop with the *%#^ing slideshows!!!

This is all under the ‘Envy’ section:

Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. People harp on Apple for being expensive, but then call laptops that start at $1,200/$1,400 “budget friendly”? I mean, the MacBook Pro 13" starts at $1,300 so I guess that is budget friendly too? And the MacBook Air starts at $999, so that must be like an impulse buy!

How did you handle disposal of all the old kitchen stuff?

“I feel like literally everybody knows about The Quiet Man.”

“San Cristóbal, a 346-mile-long (557-kilometer) island in the Galápagos”

“Mac Studio + Mac Monitor = close to 5K$”

“Gelato is just ice cream in Italy”
