
“Satya Nutella has GOT to get over his man-crush on Tim Cook and start LEADING, not following”

“I know I’m in grave danger of sounding like an angry dad, but I really could care less”

“At the risk of being overly cynical, does this work because of the technique, or because it ends with the toddler getting exactly what he wanted in the first place?”

Put the leftover rice in a Ziploc freezer bag, then freeze it.  Doing this traps any moisture in the rice as ice, rather than evaporating.  When you’re ready to eat, just take the rice out of the bag, put it in the microwave, and the rice comes out pretty darn close to how it was before you froze it.

“If I have 90% of a 10K limit used but I make $200K/yr, that should not be counted the same as someone who has 90% of a 10K limit who makes $30K/yr.”

Good to know, thank you!

“I started with Microsoft Office tasks, exporting a 802-page Word to a PDF, a 10,000+ row Excel spreadsheet to PDF, and a 200-slide PowerPoint to PDF.”

“Credit score should be based on 3 things: Annual income, if you already have some kind of credit accounts (not how many, not how long you had them, just if you have them) and if you have a history of missing payments.

“I thought it was very cool to get an inside view of TIE Fighters launching from a starship. We’ve seen glimpses of it before but this was our best look yet. Nerdy, yes, but awesome.”

“How messed up was the Imperial who taunted Cara about blowing up Alderaan? That was cold-blooded.”

I agree that it is definitely a possibility, and an interesting one at that. However, I think I, and possibly many others as well, want to see more of Din Djarin. To many, he is “The Mandalorian”, aka Mando.

I agree that it is definitely a possibility, and an interesting one at that. However, I think I, and possibly many others as well, want to see more of Din Djarin. To many, he is “The Mandalorian”, aka Mando.

“THE BOOK OF MOTHER FUCKING BOBA FETT!!!!!!!!!!!!! How the fuck did they keep that under wraps? December 2021?!?! Is it a different show, or is that what Mando S3 is?”

Anyone know how this compares to the Humanscale Freedom with headrest?

Anyone know how this compares to the Humanscale Freedom with headrest?

If the Dolby Atmos feature isn’t a necessity, I would recommend the Sonos Beam (give him the cost differential as a Christmas present, maybe?).  No need for another remote, price won’t break the bank, and a solid feature set.

If the Dolby Atmos feature isn’t a necessity, I would recommend the Sonos Beam (give him the cost differential as a

What about headphones?  Is that an option for you and your partner?  Most of the companies that make headphones make some version that will work with TVs, outputting sound to both headphones at the same time.

What about headphones?  Is that an option for you and your partner?  Most of the companies that make headphones make

“The particular trip between Belleville, Michigan and New York City shown above would normally take about 10 hours. Because of the Mach-E’s charging time, that number jumps to 13 hours.”

Is there a Big Sur feature that lets us read about the best features to set up in Big Sur as a list or in paragraph form, instead of having to watch a video?

Regarding the IRS reimbursement rate, wouldn’t that factor in as a deduction? You can choose to either use that rate, or itemize the operating costs for your vehicle, but not both, I think?

Yeah, a lot of this article didn’t make sense to me, and the math wasn’t laid out well, if at all.