
Why are you only looking at US box office numbers? Many movies these days make most of their money overseas.

When We 1st Met

“Movie Pass has pulled support for 10 AMC’s most popular theaters.”

“Cancellations also have to be made in writing at least one business day before the end of your billing cycle, and aren’t effective until MoviePass sends you a confirmation.”

Can you guys at least try to not make the stupid “Recent Video” stuff be part of the article? “the movie has a more simple title in Chinese: Recent Video from Gizmodo!” 🙄

“I wouldn’t be surprised if they were using location tracking in the app though.”

Why should people who turn their phones off during movies be penalized?

“If Tesla can’t turn a profit on a 100k model S or 150k model X, what makes you think they’ll be able to on a 35k model 3?

“If they’re tracking it at the ticket purchase, then they are potentially tracking it any time the app is running.

“Maybe. But you’d have to keep your phone in airplane mode for two hours to pretend you were in the theater. Otherwise, the app would see you somewhere other than the theater when you turned location back on during that two hours.”

“Moviepass would know if you left the screening through the location data in the app. All the app has to do is check to see if you remained in the area during the movie’s runtime.”

“Just for the record, leaving a screening is directly covered by the terms & conditions. Do that more than once in a month and they *can* cancel your account. Same for the guy below buying tickets for points—directly prohibited.”

“Ingham County Circuit Judge Judge Rosemarie Aquilina”

“For them, at least a decade has past”

Thanks for the info! That is an interesting combination of powers to have. I’m curious to see what the show would look like.

“a superpowered hitman named Tommy Monaghan”

“Assuming it’s spitting out the same 5-volts as the charger Apple includes”

“I believe he’s referring to the existing use-cases of Optane, which as a mid-level cache between your system RAM and HDD. Basically the early consumer implementations of Optane were designed to effectively turn any standard HDD into a particularly beefy hybrid drive.”

“torula yeast, a vegetarian-friendly powder which adds and umami.”