We're Doomed

“He doesn’t own a plane, you asshole!” — William H. Cosby Jr.

Troll Alert.

Fuck off.

Fuck the NRA.

Paul Ryan has never been, and will never be, a truly good man. Fuck that guy.

Get out and vote Texas. End this ass-clowns reign of stupidity.

Back in 1991, I was about to referee a regional amateur boxing tournament at Detroit’s Cobo Hall and having arrived a little earlier than necessary I found myself with some time to kill. Wandering around the facility I was pleased to find that a World Wrestling Federation show was about to start in the arena side of

Okay, this reply actually makes sense and I don’t disagree with the initial point you’re struggling to clearly make, however, you’ve picked the wrong guy (Cosby) to use as an example. He’s a rapist.

What planet are you from? Be honest.

Rose is a delicate flower...

You sound like a bit of a dimwit. Enjoy.


Again, another example of what a POS country this is.

Good bye Troll Boy.

In terms of overall skills he’s slightly above average (for a R&R guitarist) and not exceptionally proficient nor creative (other than two songs penned decades ago). The combination of ignorance, onset dementia and arrogance he exhibits is pitiful. But hey! He had two hits in 1975 & 1979!!

You’re a clown, bro. Please stop posting. Thank you.

Well you’ve certainly had an exciting holiday afternoon here today. You must be fun at parties. And please, keep posting!!

Outstanding trolling on your part, young man. Bless your heart.

Child please. Nugent is barely a guitarist.

Except ‘ol Ted ain’t a rock guitarist of any merit warranting any accolades. His guitar skills are pedestrian at best...