
multiple first world countries that are not the US prove you can thrive as a country with free-ish education and healthcare and high minimum wages, without bankrupting yourself.

Gawker rule 1... never miss a chance to take a cheap shot at a candidate you don’t agree with, or more likely, don’t understand.

You know what wouldve kept the rider and his innocent girlfriend safe? Practicing some patience and just waiting behind the car.

really, so passing in a non passing zone, and not having a valid bike licence, no not dumb at all. I am not at all defending the car driver, but the bike did brake 2 laws.

I’ll just confirm it for you, he probably doesn’t want to look through the links.

Not to beat on someone that’s already down, but WTF. The rider was an idiot. Don’t do illegal shit will riding illegally.

Requisite “it’s ugly” comment.

In before retarded bro and tiny penis comments... oh wait, too late.

This dumb ass shit is rampant on jalopnik. Never understood it either.

Never understood this bullshit.

Ass hole. It screams I have a 12-14 inch cock and this is the only vehicle that can contain my goods. I need two of these.

This is it. It’s in one of those trap cases that roadies use, and the whole thing can be closed up so the face isn’t showing.

This concept is bad and you should feel bad for saying otherwise.

In the wake Porsche’s move to turbocharging 911s, it’s worth asking of Jalopnik has lost its way. Here’s what I call a buyer’s car: Tavarish on the E46 M3. It’s a Jalop’s car at a Jalop’s price.

Sorry, any car that would disable my phone is a car I’m not buying. When you have old and sick relatives (especially parents), you will regret the day you get out of your car only to discover your mom is in the hospital and died before you could make it.

The whole, need to call emergency services at a moment’s notice thing is a big hurdle....

i support this because BMW still has the sense to offer manual transmissions in these things.

Why does it HAVE to be public? If it’s affordable and more convenient/preferable, then is the problem only that it’s a private company?

Not sure if trolling, or really that stupid.