Mr. Belding

This guy is shitty science fiction personified.

Their relationships depend on their ability to keep their wives jumping around in mindless action scenes of limitless sequels

He tried warning him, but all that was heard was whispers on the wind

Lazy Maya Rudolph reference

Why not a rental car? I jest, the Rentals is the name of the musical group

Mr Burns is going to make someone eat it this year at comiccon

That's what I thought too, but they aren't rebooting the whole thing. Randy Quaide is still Eddie, Charlie would be his son or from that side of family or something

Wimpy pudgy 5th grade me wants more convenient access to sliders

Why I'm your new squire paramourfan69420

You know you're my favorite here and on cbr

Ug, mentioning that Lena Dunham quote made all this slacker culture stuff seem not so bad by comparison

I don't get it. Did you pay this map maker? Don't see why you get to bitch

Sounds to me like you could use your amazing paralegal powers to go after something more important than some fan art and northern Maine. But hey what do I know about what fancy lawyering morals is all about

Wait, this is sony right. So moving on to actual super hero movie news, who is Andy serkis going to play in avengers ?

It's bullshit they are not the real ghostbusters

Ooooh I wonder if Michelle Rodriguez will play the exact same role she always does. This time maybe she should try a black tank top

"I don't care what pub or speakeasy you are at, get down here someone needs to break this muppet story"


No I mean omwerta

Weren't people asking for Barry Allen though? Everyone thinks of Marv ell as dead. He is good at it