
The classical annex was a great store if you were just getting into classical music. Plus they made a point of stocking some weird stuff, not just the three B's and Mozart.

I believe it's also based on an early version of the script, so it contains material that Cronenberg later excised or revised.

The ET novelization was written by William Kotzwinkle, who is a fairly accomplished writer on his own, so it's not surprising that it's supposed to be a notch above other movie tie-in books.

I just saw it and while there are some beautiful images and moments in it, I'd say (glibly) that's it's a movie good enough to watch but not good enough to recommend.

I liked it, but I didn't love it as much as some people do. On the other hand, I've had better luck recommending David Mitchell to other people than any other author.

Hold Still by Sally Mann. It's a memoir, an paean to the landscape of Virginia and the South in general, an explanation of how she "sees" and takes photographs, and a collection of good stories all in one.

I really want him to write a book of non-fiction. The few essays he has published (the intro to Slow Learner, "Journey Into The Mind of Watts," the liner notes to the Spike Jones cd, are all impressive in their insight, inviting tone and erudition.

Persia, what did you think of Cloud Atlas?

"Albert, I don't take it personally."
- Agent Cooper, on learning that Josie is the one who shot him.

I saw Inherent Vice for the second time on Friday and liked it much more than on my first viewing.

Yep. The Ruling Class rules. More people need to know about this film.

Wait…there was a plot?

So glad you got to see and enjoy The Singing Detective. That series does things (how's that for vague?) and has moments that no other series can touch. If you can track it down, check out Potter's Lipstick On Your Collar, which is more accessible and enjoyable that Detective or Pennies from Heaven. It features Ewan

Ice Cream, what happened? I haven't seen you much on TheDissolve and I don't really read the comments on the avclub but I stumbled on the above. Wishing you a speedy recovery and hoping the best for you.

I liked Ghost Story when I read it as a teen, but when i re-read it as part of the AVClub "Wrapped Up In Books" (do a search, you should be able to find it) I was surprised how much i disliked it. It wasn't scary and seemed like it was trying too hard to be "classy" (raised pinky implied).

Do you read different translations? If so, any recommendations? I understand the Edith Grossman is considered the best.

Kinda makes sense. Franzen and Wallace were friends.

Happy birthday, fellow Gemini!

Still reading Moby Dick, still enjoying it. While I'm reading, I'm also going through Moby Dick in Pictures by Roger Kish. He's a self-taught artist who did a drawing for each page of the novel.

Still reading Moby Dick, still enjoying it. While I'm reading, I'm also going through Moby Dick in Pictures by Roger Kish. He's a self-taught artist who did a drawing for each page of the novel.