
Just straight nailed the landing.

All of the Russian Dash Cam videos formed a rudimentary neural network on the internet, then became more sophisticated with the rise in Russian Dash Cam videos. Now it's forcing them on us.

Land Cruiser is possibly the nicest BJ40 you could ever receive, but is its price too much of your wad to blow at one time?


Better solution:


I agree on CP, but there's some merit to the upgraded transmission. The toyota C60 has a nasty habit of grenading once you start getting a ways above stock power levels.

Also, when you pull the engine, you can easily replace the alternator (which is probably toast, and you'll have to remove it anyways), and track down some of those coolant leaks (new hoses/thermostat/radiator/coolant reservoir).

I'm not sure if there would be one available for your engine, but I know Moroso makes some nice baffled oil pans that have flaps that keep the oil near the oil pickup for the oil pump. They also usually have a higher capacity. You could always drop a new oil pump in too, but that might be overkill. One last thing you

Yeah, no torque wrench on a head will do that. Just buy some tools, get a used engine hoist, and tear into it, man. Probably the most it will need is a new head gasket, then a hone/new piston rings to bring it into considerably better shape. You could look into doing some head work too (valves/valve leash) if you

You're welcome to all the cold weather and frostbite you can handle. Oh, your tank won't start in -40 weather? Here, we can give you a boost! Thanks!

Mental note, prepare for US invasion of canada

GOB's not on board

Such a neat museum!

That one person in the skywalk must have been like "No...NO.. NONONONONO", assuming they didn't die.

A lot of people beef on the 7th gen celica. Sure, it might not be as sporty as the 6th gen GT-FOUR, but it's a really lightweight car that's fun to drive.

Really, 59.5% of you? 12 large for a fiero? I mean, it's a really nice fiero, but there are such better cars you could get for 11.5 kilobucks.

Yeah man, Jeff Bridges is not stoked about that engine.

That's what 2ZZ swaps are for

I'm just super jealous of your life right now.