
One of the quickly approaching realities car enthusiasts must face is that racing will eventually have to go electric.”

It continues to amaze me that NASCAR seems so out of touch with their primarily right-leaning audience. Those people are going to go absolutely ape shit since they see EVs as “ Woke”.  Whatever. Let em’ whine. 


Honestly, it was probably faster and just didn’t feel like it. The rental-spec tires and 87 octane fuel probably held it back a lot too.

If dude was really a car guy, he would not sully the Mustang brand with an SUV and sedan. Sedan should be the Falcon, the SUV  should be renamed Fusion

“Hey honey, I need your signature on these papers so we can take out a second mortgage on the house. I finally found that ‘63 split-window coupe I’ve always wanted....

His cousin was also in Automotive, selling half a million brake pads to Ray Zalinsky to keep Callahan Auto afloat. Rolls Royce of brake pads.

When you have a pretty stellar history and make a whoopsie you do get a bit of a pass. Especially if you make it right (Toyota frame rust?), but if you continually fuck up and don’t ever make it right, that is a bigger issue.

enginebearings are stationary (should be). A spun bearing is a bad thing in engines. This sounds like the process for removing the debris is the root cause. Whether it’s a vacuum or a blower, something is not right

The issue with all of these is flawed data. From my understanding (please correct me if I am wrong) the data is pulled from the projected mileage at % SoC. IE 300 miles @ 100%, 280 miles @ 90%, etc. However, the BMS reserves a portion for thermal management. As the temp of the HV battery or exterior climate change,

Thats not the same as saying “you can beat the crap out of them and not have to fix them”


Even Elvis would be intimidated by those things. Damn.

Sideburns Goals...

Pontiac actually had an identity until the day it died,

But at any time Elon could get his panties in a knot and start interfering. And that has to be a risk.

If I lay off everyone, I won’t have to pay any salaries at all.

The header image should have been that gif of Bender laughing, then saying “oh wait, you’re serious, let me laugh even harder”

Honestly I feel bad for the poor employees of NCL. Because even if you are ok with everyone around you being naked (lets be clear, a lot of people are not ok with that) the ship is not going to be filled with Scandinavian supermodels. It’s going to be full of a lot of people who’ve spent too much time at the buffet or

You can’t charge it after midnight either.