Adam Rex

I’ll be fine with this as long as his spiel ends with, “But don’t take it from me; here’s my friend Mr Clarke, to explain the physics of car collisions.”

Survivors of actual sexual assault would like you to fuck all the way off with your “even worse things happen so you’re not allowed to be angry at bad things” horseshit.

I really cannot recommend Over the Garden Wall enough. Whether you’re watching with kids or not, it’s some of the best TV of this decade. And it’s only 10 episodes so you really have no excuse.

Ok, ok. We get it. You’re still into a thing that should’ve been over by the late 90's, you feel the FBI is out to get you & your leaders, and you’re probably sticky to the touch. But why did you have to schedule your rally the same weekend as the Juggalos?

You know what I hate. Traditions. It’s one of the worst concepts in the world, but it feels comfortable so often you’re eagerly falling for its trap. Tradition supposes that 1) if something existed before it should continue existing unchallenged - intellectually, emotionally or even out of pure pragmatism, which is,