
Seems you’ve missed the part on how this works. You only share with people you WANT to share this with. If you happen to share this with the one person you’re trying to avoid, thus didnt invite to hang out, well, thats completely on you. I’m only speaking of Google Maps. I dont have the foggiest idea how this whole Sna

Line cutting is childish. Childish offenses deserve childish punishments. I’d suggest an atomic wedgie, in this case.

It boggles my mind that people would WAIT in line to eat a shard of a cookie.

The one who cut the line should get punched.

I don’t know...but the movie was actually really enjoyable, to my memory.

Yeah, they’re going to have to come up with some pretty convincing writing to cover the fact that Christopher Robin doesn’t just say, “You’ll fire me if I go away on holiday with my family? Listen buddy, my wife is Hayley Atwell. I’ll live under a bridge eating scraps as long as I’m married to her. Now if you’ll

and life is anything but magical.

To be clear, literally all they did was take her name off a prize. 

Hey! Who’s old here? Don’t you dare call me old.

He looks amazing for being 74.

Agreed. Mike is the sole reason I’m into mechanical keyboards now.

Mike’s review got me to try and then fall in love with the taco bell naked chicken chalupa. I had so many naked chicken chalupas. So many. Thanks Mike. Get well soon.

Mike Fahey is among the most charming, loving, and thoughtful members of the games journalism industry. Mike, I truly hope you can make it through this relatively unscathed, even if your glowing Snacktaku review tricked me into trying the actually-vile cinnamon oreos.

Nah. Chain Pizza is Chain Pizza is Chain Pizza, within a few small variables undetectable to most people. Over the last 5 years or so Domino’s has placed emphasis on improving the “Customer Journey” (Ordering, mobile app, pizza tracker, etc.) and marketing to it’s key demographic.

Finally the prestige series Battlefield Earth so richly deserves.

You regret trying to watch “The Big Lebowski” on Comedy Central.

And let us all hope it has been consistently happening into adulthood.

This guy probably got beat up a lot as a kid.

He must be an Eagles fan.

I hope he learns what happens when you find a stranger in the alps.