
He’s more Skoal now than man. Twisted and evil.

Mark’s conception of Luke seems to be that he had boundless optimism and heroism inside him, but I think even in the OT we see that slowly eroding as he transforms from the overeager farmboy to the Jedi Knight heading into the Death Star to kill his own father. I appreciate Mark’s desire to see Luke as an eternal

For as much shit as everyone gives Disney for being to overbearing and involved in the production and direction of their movies, a lot of this “backlash” could have been avoided if one director didn’t fill a movie full of mysteries then have another director basically come in and say “I don’t give a shit about your

His nephew/padawan turned dark side, took some of his classmates with him and burned the whole place down. That really tells you all you need to know, IMO....

I feel like the only person in the world who loved finding out that Snoke was a maguffin. I think it’s hilarious and delightful.

Honestly, I think all of this could’ve been avoided if they had featured more flashbacks to actually show what the hell went down with Luke’s Jedi academy. Hamill’s criticisms were pretty fair, but the scenario presented in the film would have worked well as a way to bridge Luke’s past optimism with his present

To me, Papa John’s is like Nickelback. It’s pizza, so it’s fine, it’s just I can get better at about 10 places in my delivery area.

I actually really liked their pizza. I know, I know, that’s akin to admitting I have pica or something, around here. But yeah, I used to love Papa John’s pizza, but I haven’t eaten it for close to a decade now, because John Schnatter is such a piece of shit. (I stopped when he made his comments about cutting his

To be fair, he said “can,” not “will.”

Why on earth would you want to do that?

He seems a decent fellow, and I agree with most of his politics and I like that he’s outspoken and willing to dunk on turds like Ted Cruz publicly, but since when is the actor the arbiter of what should or should not be the ultimate arc of a character?

There is literally no such thing as a happy ending because the only real ending is death, and death is ugly, sad, or at best a bittersweet relief.

Its just like real life..the nation comes together and elects a person of color to office and gets health care and then we go back to square one and put a stupid crazy racist in office and try to get rid of all benefits for the working class.

You should start a petition to force The A.V. Club to stop reporting on these petitions.

Reporting on any of these fucking “petitions” is super lame and just a reach for content and I’m kinda glad theyre getting rid of the white house one. Literally anyone can start one for whatever dumb reason and people will sign them just as a joke. They have no bearing on anything. Did you think any of the readers


Oh, I thought of Luke dissapearing more as his goal is complete and he is now one with the force. So he is kind of just part of the force now and can come back as a force ghost like Yoda or Obi Wan.

Re: Luke’s astral read of the scene was that it was the sheer effort that killed him, not any “wounds” he sustained with his fight with Kylo.

How else would you envision ‘using the force to pull yourself through the vacuum of space’ to look? Should she have put one clenched fist forward and done it superman style?

Please do. They’re swine!