
I think everyone who works with him (in any capacity!) is complicit and worthy of our criticism.

I see where you are coming from. I really do.

I’m not into esports myself, but seeing Deadspin commenters getting triggered by the mere presence of esports articles has become one of my favorite things on the site.

MMO’s really need to trend towards not requiring you to grind for several hours to progress, even at end game. I love em, but I’m long past those days of not giving a shit what I do with my free time. This probably applies to games in general, but whatever.

If you sink 400$ into a game like this you shouldn’t demand a refund, you should seek out help.

I hated playing baseball as a kid. My parents thought I needed to play a sport and signed me up for baseball. Outfield was where they stuck the kids they knew either didn’t want to play or couldn’t play well, and much like this comic strip, no one took the time to actually teach fundamentals. Time was devoted solely

You clearly do not have an understanding of what PTSD is then. I was sexually abused as a child (the person was convicted a few years back after someone came forward and I testified as another victim). I was diagnosed with PTSD as well. The fact that the actor who was assaulted by Spacey at the bar had a much less

And I’m alarmed at the ease with which you dismiss and downplay a medical diagnosis.

Unless you’re a therapist who’s treated Tony Montana, you don’t get to decide what is and isn’t PTSD.

I admire that Quinto came out when he was in the middle of starring in the Star Trek movies and apparently made it public because he was inspired by the tragic suicide of a gay teenager.

From what little I’ve seen/heard of Mr. Quinto, he appears to be a man of genuine integrity.

You are into older, creepy guys, so none of this bothers you?


This’ll get me some flack because I’m seeing something other than how his words were (stupidly) structured, but I think he meant to include everyone in his statement about “ordinary Americans.” He tends to speak out against the millionaires, who are not ordinary, and he tends to contrast them with the rest of us who

Looks like we found the Scientologist.

I have two basic rules for identifying a cult: