The problem is not that she’s a white person leading an NAACP chapter. The problem is that she’s a white person who seemingly lied about being black and then headed an NAACP chapter.
The problem is not that she’s a white person leading an NAACP chapter. The problem is that she’s a white person who seemingly lied about being black and then headed an NAACP chapter.
“Hey, you’re black, right?”
Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation…
If Bruce Banner will no longer be the Hulk, then that makes me pretty confident he is Iron Man.
I was unaware that ThinkGeek had entered into an agreement with Hot Topic to begin with, but in hindsight I’m frustrated by that. I still like ThinkGeek and order from them regularly, but I remember when they had unique gifts that you honestly couldn’t find anywhere else and they really catered to the…
I’ve never really minded Hot Topic. I get that it gets lots of flak but I’ve never had trouble buying stuff from there before. Meanwhile I still try to avoid Gamestop whenever I can.
I’m pretty sure it’s worse.
But... Wouldn’t he still have to deal with the impact? He’d travel through time, all right, but he’d surprised a heck of a lot of people appearing out of nowhere as a crushed mad scientist.
Anything that can reach 88mph.
As an aside, I always wondered after watching Episode III why Doc Brown didn’t just attach the Flux Capacitor to a big box, climb in it with Marty, then ride the box over the edge of a cliff. It should be easy to calculate whether the box will reach 88mph before it hits the ground. All…
Man, have we got an article for you in a few hours.
Just remember when you’re not watching pop-up video advertisements, that Lifehacker showed you the app. :P
I’m not surprised I didn’t crack this. The first thing I did was share it on a website, and the game clearly told me not to make this information public.
The game got famous two years ago without any of that. But, good luck on your game creation!
What a great piece of writing. One of the people said that what they are looking for in these private vanilla servers is not the old WoW and their old way of lives. This is so true, I never played WoW but I played Guild Wars a lot when I was in High school (05-09) I got home and would sit down in my PC and play it…
You’re a dick, Jonathan.
Counterpoint: A cartoon about a football team would inherently be more interesting to watch than actual football. And the characters would probably be better role models than actual professional football players.
Dude is an incredible artist. But, please, let’s NOT have a cartoon about a football team. There are enough ignorant jock douchebag football fans out there as it is. We don’t need to inspire a whole new generation of them by making a football cartoon for kids. You know, in America.
I hate sports. Could you tell?
he’s a walking, talking Dungeon Masters’ nightmare