Well, yes, but on the trippyness scale, I'd say the scarecrow levels easily trump the Mad Hatter stuff. Not that Mad Hatter's(or Ra's) stuff isn't trippy.
Well, yes, but on the trippyness scale, I'd say the scarecrow levels easily trump the Mad Hatter stuff. Not that Mad Hatter's(or Ra's) stuff isn't trippy.
I-I'm going to say YES!
I 2nd El Shaddai. That game was trippy as fuck.
That was ok. I'd say the Scarecrow stuff in AA was much better.
Been there, done that. And I bet Duke Nukem's weren't even multi-colored! Also Tatami Galaxy is amazing, DNF not so much...
What are you talking about? Man, of course you made my day, hell, you made my life! You have ALL the insight.
I agree. This guy, he gives AMAZING insight.
Fair enough! I don't think the Dualshock is perfect by any means, just better than the 360 pad! ;D
That is exactly what I'm telling you. Pretty much every one I know prefers the Dualshock. In fact the only one that prefers the 360 pad, curiously, doesn't own a 360 :P (If you're curious he thinks it'd be pointless since he has a gaming PC).
That still doesn't make it true or bestows upon your singular experience any meaning though. For example: my experience is completely opposite of yours. In the end it means little what our personal experiences are, in the grand scheme of things.
Yes it is. You double tap R2/RT to transform at will. It's mostly used to run fast, though you can attack out of it.
You know that means nothing, right?
Yeah, I think it shows that you don't really have much experience with action games like this(not that that is a bad thing). But, yeah, the thing about DmC is that it's something closer to God of War, the game-play is more like a means to an end, like a vehicle for what the developer wanted to concentrate on. Which…
This is exactly why. Also it was dirt cheap.
Whats your point? I read that fine outside the proper nouns... :/
What I said to Jesus.
Well it's (2nd) best-selling right now(it's updated hourly). Not all-time, just check the list on Amazon:
Actually it's the best selling Playstation 3 game period, and the 2nd best selling video game over-all(2nd to the 360 version of Far Cry 3).
It's the HARDEST difficulty level. You can't even pick it till you beat the game once. How is this good game design again?