Mr. SLuF

Zac Gorman might have said it best.

Sabin's Fists, Final Fantasy 6

Edgar's Chainsaw from FFVI, obviously.

Get in line, buddy. I think the end of the line is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over there.

A Brief History and Introspective of the Furry Fandom

Seeing it done poorly really makes me appreciate Michael Bay's work all the more.

Hey, back of the line!

Everyone's a furry for Krystal.

If Star Fox took place on Earth, I'd finally have a chance to wooh my dream girl's heart.

I guess you can say that,
he isn't mad at Chu.

*Braces for head slaps*

Het Belgian Early Warning System on Drugs (BEWSD) werd op de hoogte gebracht van de analyse van ‘ecstacy’-tabletten met een ongewoon hoog gehalte aan MDMA.

If it goes without saying, then why did you have to say it? =P

I hav to disagree, I tried DOTA and it was just so much more sluggish and slow too me. The Chamions all seemed VOID of personality. Like their names were literally just generic titles. :(

Now playing

Pretty good but needs more hacking into the Sega Genesis sound table...

"Yippee ki-yay mister falcon!" I chose the cable version of that line. I definitely do not want a spanking.

This is my mother's favorite action flick. I've been quoting Die Hard since I was 5.

And he forgot "Winions" HOW COULD YOU FORGET WINIONS

It's not a sport, it's a game. Aren't sports... games?

it's missing something...