Must be using UE4. ;P
Must be using UE4. ;P
Looks like a bunch of the work already done. I guess they just need an extra push to get things done.
Different character design? Sure. Lazy? I don't know. I will agree with you that the character design is a little lacking.
The language was created specifically for this game. Needless to say, there will be no dub, that would defeat creating the language in the first place.
"Furry" doesn't automatically mean sex is involved. =@_@=;
Hrmm, I use the term "Anthropomorphic" and "Furry" synonymously. The again, there are differing definitions.
I am assuming the game is in pre-alpha, hopefully those issues will be ironed out.
It sucks because they are missing out on some great games and the talented dev teams can definitely use the support.
Spend a little more time on the internet, they will be. XD
Ah yes, I saw this in Doom. It teleports you to hell.
You've guessed it, Halflife 3 confirmed.
You say she's from Jersey?
The catch is the community helps develop the game, Epic gets to show off UE4 (and get amateur developers to learn and use it so that other developers would have a compelling reason to license it over something like Unity), and get a cut of anything sold in the Unreal 4 Community Marketplace.
I don't see why something like this is even a thing. The answer is simple, if you don't like the "social commentary" this game allegedly brings, then don't buy it, don't support it. and move on.
Of course, denying gay people the right to get married in a game about relationships and marriage is itself "social commentary."
Spoony. =<_<=
So wait... his costume has various stabbing instruments and they let him into the con?! What is the world coming to?!?!?!?!
I remember wanting to see what would happen if I didn't escape the continent on time so I went and reloaded the save file after making some progress after that point... When he came at the last moment I wasn't expecting it... Then I had difficult decision to make: did I continue from that point and lose about 10 hours…
Just had to~!